Children in our society have a name and parents but they do not have the respect given to children from the Dakota community. The Dakota tribe believes that before the baby is born, the baby (blessed and of spiritual nature) choose his or her parents. Cense a baby is a gift, the name is very important and the Dakota receive several names throughout their lifetime here on earth. The Dakota are given names from their parents, are given nicknames and given names if they have done a brave act or have a special talent. As you have read children are important to the Dakota, so they treat their children with respect, love, and care and would never physically hurt or abuse their child/ children. Children as punishment would get serious looks at them or even more embarrassing are scolded in front of the village! The Dakota tribe’s children were educated, a boy by his father and girl by her mother but even though it was the parents jobs to educate the child/children, the village was a main part of their growing up. The Dakota were smarter than our society today, because they knew that their children were tomorrow and that even a child deserves the respect from one who is an elder or chief.
By: Amanda Graff